Calling all Artists & Crafters! Are you ready to pack up your wares and take them to market but are not sure where to start? This eBook is jam packed with tips from my personal craft show experience. It is designed to guide you through the process, prepare for the "Big Day" and help make the event a rewarding experience. Every year, indie artists and crafters consider jumping into the holiday craft show season. The thought of sales is tempting but you must remember that not all shows are created equal. This eBook will help you navigate through the process with confidence, book your first show, set up your booth, stand out in the crowd and did I mention..... help you come home with pockets full of sales. Topics covered:
- Selecting the Right Show
- Show Application Process
- Creating Inventory/Pricing
- Booth Set Up/Display Options
- The Big Day
- Follow Up
- Handy Printouts/Worksheets
30 page eBook includes over 120 actionable tips to help you prepare, sell and make money at craft shows. It explores the world of both Juried and Non-Juried shows, as well as the application process. Consider this eBook to be your go to for all your craft show questions. As you gain experience, you will find yourself referring back to the book over and over again. It will quickly become a valuable resource to add to your craft show tool kit!**Purchase of this eBook does not grant permission to transfer of copyright or license for commercial usage. This eBook is for personal use only.**